Saturday, 16 February 2008

So, whats the point?

I've been doing some pretty extensive WSS 3.0 customisation and development over the past couple of months.

It's been quite a steep learning curve for certain aspects and I've found some of the SharePoint blogs across the internet absolutely invaluable. I decided a central repository of the information I've needed and found would be useful for me, and potentially quite useful for others.

I will of course ensure I reference and acknowledge any original authors work where practicable.

With luck, this will help at least one person. Watch this space....


Marchy said...

I think thats a fantastic idea Owen. I will look on with great interest

Brian Jones aka TopGooner said...

I reckon you got a line there in Bullshit Bingo. Throw in ballpark, vanilla and out of the box and it'll be a full house ;)